There is a lot to take in when moving to a new area, which is why we have collected some information that is good to have close at hand as a new member of the condominium association.

If you have any questions, you can easily send them to the board through the form at the bottom of this page. Read more about the well-being group that can show you around the house and in the area.

We wish you a happy move!
/ The Board

Fee to the association

As a new tenant, you should ensure that you have received payment pays to pay the fee from previous owners. New newspapers for the coming months will then be sent out to you from our manager Nabo.

To avoid the notification fee, you can order notices via e-mail instead of via paper. You can also report payment via eFaktura or direct debit.


You must ensure that you have sufficient insurance, i.e. a special condominium supplement that you must have in addition to regular home insurance. It is not something that the association stands for, but all members must acquire it individually.

Electricity consumption

You pay for the electricity you use in your apartment. The cost is added to your monthly fee every three months. Contact the previous owner of the apartment if you want to adjust this cost between you if the access date is in the middle of a period.

Login to Neighbor

The association's financial manager Nabo has an intranet. You log in with Bank ID, or with login information from the board at
On Nabo's intranet, you can view and ask questions about your bills and access important documents.
Wet room and renovation certificate

Make sure you get the wet room certificates from previous renovations of the apartment's bathroom when you move in. These are important to have if something happens and it becomes an insurance case. It is also important to get other information if, for example, the electricity has been redirected or similar.


The apartment has keys to the basement and key fobs for the gate and laundry room. If you lose any of these or need to order more, please contact us Board of Directors. You are responsible for the keys to the apartment.

Key to basement - SEK 350.

Key washer for exterior doors and laundry room - SEK 300.

Name cooler and intercom

Report that you have moved in to the property manager CEMI and you can get a name tag to put on the door and update the name register and the intercom.

Read ours instruction on how the door phone works.

Book the laundry

You can book via the internet or the blackboard outside the laundry room on floor 1. You will receive login information from the property manager CEMI. The door blips are also used to book time and open the laundry room. The laundry is located on floor 1 in house 23, but you reach it via the storage area from all gates.

Sorting food waste

You can sort your food waste. Pick up a bag at the entrance and throw on the north short side of the house. Use the common key that hangs inside the gable door. Remember to hang it back! You can also order your own key through the board's contact form.

Waste and recycling

We are proud of our garbage sorting and hope that everyone helps to keep order and sort properly. It is important that we handle the sorting so that it becomes smoother and more enjoyable for us who live in the house and those who collect our garbage.

amenity Group

We have a well-being group who are happy to show around the house and answer questions about laundry, rental room, garbage sorting and other things. Read more at page on the well-being group.

Facebook Groups

We have several Facebook groups for housing in the house and the area. There you can see information about what is happening in the house and maybe ask a question if you need help with something. Well-being in BRF Sjukhuset 3 (for residents only) and Mörbylund - Purchased. sold and donated.


In most apartments there is a storage room, but unfortunately there is not for everyone. If you do not have supplies, you can queue up. The association works actively to distribute and split up storage so that everyone can have one in the future. Read more at page about the storage group.

If you have glazed balcony

There is an agreement for division of responsibilities to fill in. Sign and submit two copies to the Board's mailbox on floor 2, Mörbylund 25 we return a signed copy. here you can download the agreement.

Look around

We have selected some places in the immediate area that can be fun to visit. If you find any of your own strawberry spots, please share with us in the website group! :)

Contact the association

When moving, many questions arise. Here you can ask your questions while you can order extra keys, or similar.

Order extra keys